So what's so great about the Italian lifestyle and why should you want to emulate it?
- Italians live longer then almost the entire world population (83 years old) yet they earn less, spend less on health care and live within a devastating economy.
- Italy has been experiencing one of the most drastic recessions of all time. Italy has 13% unemployment (41% for young people) and 8% of population in absolute poverty, and an unstable government. With all this instability, how do Italians cope?
- Italians possess traits that help them adjust, adapt, survive and thrive. It is their attitude that gets them through crises.
There is an allure to Italy and everything Italian. Italy is the fifth most visited country in the world. In fact, Italy continues to attract tourists and foreigners every year because of the Italian lifestyle: art, cuisine, fashion, culture, landscape,etc. However, the Italian lifestyle is not tied to a place. It is a state of mind, an attitude. You do not have to be in Italy or be Italian to possess it!!